Tory Wives - Modern Times

Standing stoically beside her sinning husband, the Tory wife came to embody another era when a womans duty was to “put up or shut up.” In a film that charts the Conservative Party's turbulent and scandal ridden final summer of power, the wives of Tory MP's finally speak candidly about the toll on their families of life behind the headlines.

Director/Producer – Rebecca Frayn

Middlemarch Films for BBC 2

Contender for the BAFTA Flaherty Best Documentary Award 1996

“This 50-minute film took the finest raw ingredients (the women themselves) and cooked them brilliantly - at the correctly languid pace, and with wit and acute observation..... Superbly directed with great flair and precision by Rebecca Frayn.”

Matthew Norman - Evening Standard

“Rebecca Frayn's film, a lovely piece of observation, follows them through a politically difficult summer.”

The Guardian

“An excellent film”

Mark Lawson - The Independent

“The strange, anachronistic life of Tory Wives was explored in a lovely, wry film by Rebecca Frayn.”

Alison Pearson -The Observer