Bare - Modern Times

Director/Producer – Rebecca Frayn

Contender for the BAFTA Flaherty Best Single Documentary Award 1999

“Rebecca Frayn‘s film is an exquisite and fond satire of this pursuit of architectural and domestic perfection. The truth as Bare presents it, is that the disorder the contributers fear is an emotional one. Fear of messy human relationships. Fear of ageing. Fear of death. Fear of fear itself. Compelling yet disturbing. This was one of the saddest, yet most beautifully made TV films I’ve ever seen. Gripping.”

Jonathan Glancey’s article on the film - The Guardian

“Bare was a beautiful and humorous look at the vogue for minimalism.”

Nancy Banks-Smith – Guardian

“Thoroughly impressive director Rebecca Frayn's take is pretty stunning. Emphatically warm about its subjects.”

Omer Ali - Time Out

“Rebecca Frayn's droll film smartly exploits these clutter-free white settings, framing its subjects like Richard Avedon portraits.”

John Dugdale - Sunday Times

“This stunningly beautiful documentary.”

The Guardian Guide

“Rebecca Frayn's brilliant contribution to the series Modern Times.”

Peter Conrad - The Observer

“Rebecca Frayn's informative, elegant and entertaining film was, times, like a televisual version of Elle Decoration or Wallpaper - only with it's tongue stuffed into its cheek.”

Joe Joseph - The Times

“Modern Time's alluring programme. Frayn found genuine beauty along side the pretension. And though she did let you see the discipline could easily turn pathalogical, she didn't simply mock the aspiration to have a less complicated life.”

Thomas Sutcliffe - The Independent

“A completely satisfying documentary. Bare did a good job of explaining what had always seemed inexplicable, partly because its so stunningly shot. You may not change your mind, but you might find it broadened.”

Harriet Lane - The Observer

“This was a clever documentary with fascinating insights into people's lives and aspirations.”

Nigel Billen - The Express

“Rebecca Frayn's excellent film.”

John Preston - The Sunday Telegraph

“Fascinating - Rebecca Frayn's highly diverting documentary.”

Peter Paterson - Daily Mail

“The wonderful script in Rebecca Frayn's film kept everything in perspective, allowing irony to seep into this sterile universe.”

Cristina Odone - The Daily Telegraph

“A wonderful film”

TV Times

“Minimalism may be all about nothingness, but this gem of a documentary by Rebecca Frayn is all nooks and crannies.”

Radio Times